Marilyn T. Keller

Marilyn Keller är från Portland, USA. Hon är anställd av en församling och jobbar med musik ibland annat i gudstjänster. Marilyn frilansar som solist, sång- och körpedagog, föreläsare i gospelns musikhistoria mm.

“In my travels I’ve heard some great vocal talents, but far fewer are the singers whose every note has the power to move me. When you hear Marilyn the first thing you notice is that beautiful, powerful, sweet voice. But this woman has a way of reaching right down to the soul of songs and touching them with magic. Duke Ellington said the great artist is one who is “beyond category.” “Whether you love Gospel, Soul, Blues Jazz, or Music by any other name, I know You will be moved by this woman’s magical voice, by her honesty, and depth of feeling.”
Darrell Grant, Musician/Composer/Professor of Jazz, Portland State University.
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